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Artisan Boards: Great for Chopping Fresh Fruits and Veggies This Summer

J K Adams Artisan Bread Board

The soil is tilled and amended, your seeds and sweet plantlings are nestled into their rich new environment, and your drip system is perfectly timed. Now (besides the weeding, hoeing, drip leaks, and pest control), you have ample time to begin exploring how you'll display your soon-to-be-harvested fresh fruits and veggies. Let us assist you.

Veggies and dip. The J.K Adams Artisan round server is the perfect way to serve up some raw, fresh cut veggies or fruits and a complementary dip. A colorful dipping bowl in the middle, surrounded by the vibrant vegetable colors, will transform this artisan board into a work of living art.

J.K. Adams Artisan Oval Board

Fruits, and veggies, and cheese, oh yum! If you're an experienced gardener, with a bountiful harvest, you may need something a bit larger to host your recent pickings. This Artisan Oval Board should do the trick, leaving plenty of room for that gourmet goat cheese you started making this year. The rustic maple finish is reminiscent of an heirloom. Speaking of heirlooms, pass us one of those ripe tomatoes...

J.K. Adams Artisan Bread Plank

Love on display. What are homegrown fruits and veggies but pure, raw, love on display? So why not use the Artisan Bread Plank to display all the love you've grown this season. Caprese salad holder by day, and bread holder by night, it's as versatile as it is useful.

Didriks offers quality-crafted kitchen accessories that will show off your bounty in full form.