Observatory Hill Holiday Stroll

The holidays are upon us, and to celebrate, the Observatory Hill Neighborhood has decided to put on it's first ever holiday stroll. On the evening of December 9th, participating businesses will be holding extended shopping hours, and offering up light refreshments to neighborhood residents and visitors alike. Didriks and out sister store Local Root will both be participating, and we invite you to come out for the event! We'll even be raffling off a gift basket, put together by participating businesses to benefit Cambridge Family and Children's Service.
The participating businesses include:
Hi-Rise Bread Co. Didriks Local Root European Country Antiques Wet Paint Nail Spa Sarah’s Market Reside, Inc. Armando’s Pizza & Subs
Didriks will have hot chocolate, and Local Root will be offering local apple cider. Get a jump on holiday shopping, while enjoying some festive holiday cheer with your neighbors. RSVP here. We'll see you there!