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How to Host an Elegant Superbowl Party

Jars France Plates

Ah, the Superbowl: that lovely time of year when you can root for your team as loud as you’d like without consequence, catch some multimillion-dollar commercials and perhaps even spot those who never venture near the kitchen to cook unveil their signature annual chili. But debauchery aside, if you’re hosting a Superbowl party, you don’t have to resign to the trite old plastic bowls and messy beer cans for your shindig. While no one will be checking out your china set or fancy silverware, there is still a way to throw your own sophisticated twist on this American past time. Below are a few tips for keeping it fun but still maintaining some panache as well as some links to a few fun recipe ideas that will be sure to make your party a memorable one.  The setup:

Arrange your decorative color schemes around your teams, be it the Saints or the Colts. And keep platters and serving dishes consistent and simple. Our serving plates and bowl by Jars Ceramics are ideal and come in a variety of colors and sizes. When it comes to the beer – because you know there will be plenty – be sure to eliminate cans and offer micro brews served on ice in large buckets. Don’t forget to nix the unsightly plastic beer cups and use these Match Pewter Mugs from our Web site.

The food:

Now as we know, there are the tried ‘n’ true Superbowl standbys – dip, chili, the giant sandwich – but that doesn't mean you can't put a new spin on old classics. When he makes chili, suggest he use shredded pork rather than beef. Want to really impress your guests? How about these Cuban Sandwiches? Make your own tortilla chips or maybe some homemade crackers served in our Simon Pearce Huntington Chip and Dip bowl. Also, a living-room buffet setup is preferable, with food spread out for quick and easy access to avoid a time-consuming lineup that causes folks to miss the game's crucial touchdown.