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Didriks - Kitchen of the Month

October's kitchen of the month is the hard working Parisian kitchen belonging to Paule Caillat. Ms Caillat is an experienced french cook who shares her passion for food by leading market tours and cooking classes in Paris. Her kitchen is designed to host her classes and entertain family and friends. Take a look at this large galley kitchen and see if you can garner any ideas for your own kitchen.

An over-sized island provides seating and work space for large groups.


Command central - the refrigerator, microwave, stove and ovens are all within easy reach of one another.


Ample bookshelves are a must for any avid cook.  Shelving is perfect for storing your cookbook collection and can also be used for additional storage. We like how these are fitted with wine racks on the bottom shelves.


Paule considers this Lacanche stove the "big splurge" for the kitchen.


This cart can be rolled around the kitchen to provide extra prep space where ever you need it.


One of Paule's favorite kitchen utensils is a a  "potato fork" from Rösle. Paule uses it for picking up hot ingredients, checking potatoes, and testing meat. A hand held immersion blender is another essential kitchen gadget.


All photos via Apartment Therapy.

Visit the Didriks website to see our extensive selection of Rösle cooking utensils.